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5 Factors That Influence the Lifespan of Dental Implants

How Long Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are currently the best tooth replacement option in Lymm. A dental implant is a structure that replaces the missing tooth or acts as an anchor for dentures or bridges. When considering implants for missing teeth, one question that most patients ask is how long will they last. In this post, we will explore some tips to increase the lifespan of implants and how to maintain them for years to come. Let’s first understand what exactly dental implants are.

What are Dental Implants and What are they Made Of?

Dental implants are small screw-like structures that are made of ceramic or titanium posts. The implant, which acts as an artificial tooth root is fitted in the jawbone. The abutment is connected to the implant, which also holds the prosthetic tooth, also known as the crown, in place.

In general, the abutment and crown are more susceptible to damage than the implant itself. That is because the abutment and crown sit above the gum line and are actively used while chewing and biting.

In addition to filling gaps in your mouth, dental implants help you restore chewing function and improve your smile and overall oral health. If fitted successfully, dental implants work and function much like natural teeth. There are various reasons why you might need dental implants in Lymm.

  • Replace one or more missing teeth
  • Support dental bridges
  • Support dentures
  • Improve your speech and smile

Dental implant technology has evolved over the last few years, which has reduced the chances of implant failure due to functionality issues. However, a few conditions and complications may lead to a shorter lifespan. Here are some factors that can affect your implant lifespan.

5 Factors That Affect the Lifespan of Dental Implants

Ideally, implants are designed to last a lifetime in your mouth. That is because when they are fitted in the jawbone, they gradually become bonded with surrounding bone tissue. This process is called osseointegration. According to studies, dental implants have a success rate of 90 to 95% over the course of 10 years. However, their success is dependent on the following factors.

#1 Expertise and Experience of the Dentist

Choosing a professional dentist in Lymm is crucial for the success of your dental implant procedure. If the dentist is not skilled enough, there may arise complications that can be both expensive and painful for you. Another thing to consider is whether or not your dentist can deliver the desired results. From the quality of the implants to their placement in your mouth, if the dentist is not experienced with a particular type of implant, they may not deliver successful results. This can turn out even more expensive if you choose to get them redone or re-fixed.

#2 Density of Your Bone

Another important thing to keep in mind before considering implants is the density of your bones. The density of your bones directly affects the longevity of your implant. Your dentist will first assess your bone density to ensure there is enough bone in the jaw to hold the implant. If there isn’t enough bone, your dentist may recommend additional procedures, such as bone grafting to build up the bone. To conclude, your jaws must have the enough bone density to hold the implant for a long time and prevent it from failing.

#3 Medical Conditions

There are certain medical conditions that can reduce the lifespan of your implants. High diabetes, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis are some conditions that can cause problems for your dental implants. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy used in the cancer treatment can cause damage to healthy cells nearby, including the bone in the jaws that support dental implants. Diabetes can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult for the implant to heal. Rheumatoid arthritis makes your bone weaker, putting implants at risk of failure.

#4 Quality of the Materials Used in Implant

The quality of the materials used to create implants also plays a crucial role. Not all implants are created from the same grade of materials. Some are designed to last 5 to 10 years, while others may last over 30 years. Before you undergo an implant procedure, make sure you ask your dentist whether the dental implant brand is FDA-approved, and what guarantees they offer about their products in case there is any defect or problem. In addition, while choosing a dental brand, make sure it has a good reputation and has been around for a while. Hence, it is advisable to invest in high-quality implants to ensure it lasts longer.

#5 Lifestyle Habits and Aftercare

Dental implants may also fail if you don’t follow healthy lifestyle habits. Some unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol consumption, poor oral hygiene and poor eating habits can shorten the lifespan of dental implants. It is important to understand that dental implants are not indestructible. Just like your natural teeth, even dental implants can develop gum disease if not properly cared for.

How to Take Care and Maintain Your Implants

  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly
  • Avoid eating hard and sugary foods
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Follow instructions as advised by your dentist
  • Visit your dentist every six months

Restore Your Smile and Confidence with Dental Implants

The key to ensuring the longevity of dental implants is a combination of the expertise of the implant dentist, high-grade implants and regular visits to your dentist in Lymm. We hope that understanding how these factors affect the lifespan of your dental implant helps you in taking the necessary steps to ensure the longest possible life of your implant. In any situation, if you experience unusual discomfort or possible signs of implant failure, be sure to visit your dentist right away. Dental implants are a life-changer for people who want to restore their smiles and regain confidence. Consult an experienced dentist in Lymm to explore how dental implants can improve the quality of your life.

20 Jan, 2019

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